Patience is something I've always wanted to teach my child. I consider it a necessity for facing everyday challenges and one of the greatest armors she can use to navigate life in the future. Being short-tempered or having a quick fuse won't help her become a desirable person. I want my baby to approach her problems calmly and with a positive mindset.
From her early months, we focused on introducing her to the art of patience. This may sound a bit unusual to some, but we believe it’s important to instill this value early on. When she wanted something—except for food and milk, of course—we wouldn’t immediately give in to her requests. For example, if she desired a toy or something that caught her attention, she would sometimes throw a tantrum or cry. Rather than depriving her, we would gently remind her, “WAIT, please…” and then count to three. After that, we would hand her what she asked for. This became a routine as she grew.
At first, the results were subtle. However, by the time she turned 15 months, our efforts started to pay off. We were delighted to see that she learned to be patient, even in small situations. Now, when we say "wait," she does so without complaint.
So, my advice to fellow moms out there is to be patient while teaching your child. They will absorb these lessons bit by bit. Don’t give up when you don’t see immediate results; it’s not always easy. Remember, our kids look up to us and see us as their role models, so it’s essential to demonstrate the qualities we want them to embody. Avoid pressuring your child, as it can be counterproductive. Stay calm and be patient—it's worth it!